Don’t you hate being asked to buy into something without knowing what it is or how it works? Me too.
This is why, in return for bankrolling my Easy 7-Step card process and product Printable – Oracle Cards Worksheets, I will share with you a few of my Oracle card interpretations and meanings. To keep it interesting, I will only cover Steps 2-7.
If you have no idea what my Oracle cards process is, let alone why I think brain dumping is crucial to a fun, successful Oracle cards practice, you can quickly catch up by reading my Easy 7-Step Card Process article. Otherwise, let’s get into one right now!
Disclaimer – I don’t care about spelling, punctuation, or even if what I write down during brain dumping is correct – I just go with the flow. If it pops into my head, it goes on paper.
Do my card interpretations always Match with the Oracle Card guidebook? Nope, and that’s okay because what we come up with is usually way more exciting, and in most instances, more relevant to us.
Also, the layout below is a little different to my Etsy product Printable – Oracle Card Worksheets
Oracle Cards & Deck:
Kali – The Goddess Oracle Deck by Amy Sophia Marashinsky

Step 2 – What is catching your eye?
- Earth Element?
- Snakes around arms
- Not applicable
Goddess & Other beings
- 4 arms
- Red hands & feet
- Dance pose
- Screaming
- Reds
- Blues
- Sickle
- Brain rattle?
- Belt of arms
- Skull necklace
Step 3 – Brain Dump everything you know about the Oracle card clues
Kali (the destroyer?) – at least looks Scary and seems to be about Death.
Perhaps the Death and Rebirth of things? Dancing through fear to alleviate it?
Sickle was Druid tool as well so Medicine. Mistletoe – Asterix – hilarious
Death – Rebirth – Medicine – Healing.- Dance – 4 limbs of Yoga, not the full 8
Water sign? Emotions, underground feelings – unspoken
Snakes – regeneration – Healing – Sexuality
Multi arms – reaching out – multi-task – lend a helping hand – don’t bite the hand that feeds you –
Yoga – Tree pose – grounding – is in space
Red – base chakra = basic need to survive – food + shelter.
Hands healing – blood on your hands (and feet, thats not good)

The Goddess Oracle Deck
Extra Brain Dump Notes:
So many things going on here, especially Death, but usually, with death comes the birth of something new or even rebirth. Like the Hangman in Tarot (?), this isn’t death in the literal sense. More likely relationships, projects, parts of yourself – like the Snake shedding what you no longer need. The screaming is interesting – frustration or a triumphant release? I love this card illustration!!
Step 4 & 5 – My Interpretation and Oracle card meaning
My Interpretation:
What needs to go? What can you release to make room for something better? Habit / Behaviour / People / Trauma / Work
Card Meaning:
Time to face your fears! How do your fears serve you? Do they protect you, or are they stopping you from leading the life you want? Dance YOUR Dance!
Key Points:
- Release
- Rebirth
- Grounding exercises – dance!
Key Points:
- Confront fear
- Reclaim yourself
- Empowerment
Qualities or Uses:
- Creation
- Wholeness
- Confront FEARS
- Empowerment
Myths – Folk – Fairy – Stories:
- Hindu Triple Goddess
- Shiva (Lord of the Dance)
- Goddess of Creation
Astrological or Other:
- Not applicable
Step 6 – How did you do?
This a great card - so many clues!! It's a Match.
How does this relate to what is going on in your life?
Dancing – I went to Synthony in Brisbane at the weekend and danced my heart out. Got paranoid the next day about how I looked to others, even though we were all essentially the same age group, and some were clearly off their heads. Stupid I know. Over the years, I have stopped doing the things I love. This card is most definitely here to get me dancing, drawing, and travelling again.
Step 7 – Look up later:
Research – Water Element – I always have to look these symbols up – you’d think by now that at least one of them would stick. Maybe if I assign each an Animal…
Fact Find – The sickle – and not just from a Druidic perspective. It’s a standard gardening/farming tool, so there should be a lot of symbolism should be attached.
Curious – Kali – The belt of arms is interesting – what is the story behind that or is it that just the illustrators creative interpretation?

Interested in learning more?
Want to check out my jerk of an inner critic, Janice? Then this is the article for you – Conversations with my inner critic
Like this card? – Check out The Goddess Oracle Cards – Yemaya from the same deck by Amy Sophia Marashinsky