
Articles – Oracle Cards & More

Oracle Insights

Oracle Insights | Animal Allies: Turtle Dove

I hate to admit it, but if it wasn’t for the persistence of my feathery friend, I wouldn’t have discovered that in ‘Home Alone 2,’ Kevin gives one of his Turtle Dove ornaments to the Bird Lady, saying that as they each have one, they’ll be friends forever (awww).

A collage-style blog header image titled "Info & Symbolic Meaning of Fides" from The design features various symbolic elements arranged on a white background with accents in pink, yellow, and gray. The elements include a classical Roman statue bust, a seated Buddha figure in bronze, a decorative dove illustration, a golden bay leaf, a seashell in sepia tones, and various decorative stars and symbols. The word "Fides" appears prominently, along with "Good Faith" in vertical text. Colors used: - Light Pink (#FFE4E1) - Pale Yellow (#F5E6BA) - Charcoal Gray (#4A4A4A) - White (#FFFFFF) - Bronze/Gold (#CD853F) The image belongs to

Oracle Insights

Oracle Insights | Sacred Deities: Fides

Discover Fides, the Roman goddess of trust who gave us words like ‘fidelity’ and whose sacred handshakes sealed ancient deals. From her temple on Capitoline Hill to her Turtle Dove companions, this overlooke deity’s influence still shapes our world today.

Happiness & Wellbeing

Magic Dust Tapping for Lazy Souls

So, what exactly is Tapping, and how does it benefit you?

Simply put, Tapping is a technique where you tap on specific acupressure points on your body. Stimulating these points can help release any stuck energy that might be causing you emotional, mental, or even physical pain. It sounds fanciful, but there is plenty of scientifically backed evidence to prove that Tapping improves your wellbeing.

Out & About Adventures

Out & About in Macau!

You might wonder why this article about travel and sketchbooks has made its way onto a blog about Oracle cards and Intuition, but it totally makes sense—in my head, at least.