I don’t know if you have ever looked up the history of sunglasses, but it’s sssssuper cool. Sun Snap Kids has a great page called ‘10 Fun facts about the history sunglasses‘ which is a fun read for any age.
Check out this link Sun Snap Kids
Cool, what’s with the Sssssunnies?
Heading into spring (2020 Aussie time) I wanted a new project that captured the joy of spring and the awesomeness of sunny goodness.
As sunnies are ‘essential’ in Australia (like a daily flat white) I thought they would be the perfect spring project; so set about designing ones that I would wear if I could channel Elton John.
Fact – Elton John has the largest collection of sunglasses in the world.
Snake, Squirrel and Swan came to me one evening as the perfect playmates for my sunnies project, as did Little Miss BKHS. Throw in my love of all things 1960’s and ‘Sssssunnies’ was born.
Fact – we don’t have squirrels in Australia, we have plenty of snakes though!