Unleash Your Inner Oracle:

Trust Your Intuition

& Have Fun Doing It!

Bumbling through life like a drunk Bee?

Want help navigating life’s twists and turns? Take back control?

Looking for fun ways to connect and explore your inner wisdom?

Curious about Oracle cards but don’t know where to start?

Well, fellow Bees, you’ve come to the right place!

Build knowledge and self-confidence with oracle cards



and self-confidence with oracle cards

Are you ready to leapfrog your way to a better life?

Here at bakkehus, my mission is to help women like you tap into the limitless power of their intuition. I want to empower you to trust yourself, make informed decisions, and create a life that lights you up from the inside out. Don’t worry; I won’t feed you fairy lights or mystical mumbo jumbo. I mean, I could, but I won’t. No, all that is on offer here is what I know will expand your intuition and Oracle card practice in a fun and easy way.

Join me if you want to

  • Understand yourself and the world around you
  • Develop your intuition and build trust in your card reading skills
  • Improve emotional well-being through daily card & journal practice

Wisdom Boosters

Add these to your toolkit to learn or improve your Oracle card practice

Oracle Card Worksheets

This easy-to-use Oracle card worksheet collection is designed to help you create an in-depth card practice that builds trust and confidence in your intuition and gain access to valuable personal insights.

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Animal Oracle Card Workbook

Real World Animal Oracle is an 8-week digital workbook that helps you build a daily Oracle Card practice and confidence in your ability to ‘read’ Animal cards and Animal messengers that enter your life.

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Hey there, I’m Heidi!

If, like me, you love nature, exploration, arty stuff, and are keen to improve your intuition and well-being, then you’re definitely in the right place. My goal is to help you demystify Oracle cards and bring a dash of magic into your everyday life.

I have an addiction for Pinterest, wanna see some boards?

Visit my Pinterest
A collage image using a 1970' image of a woman speaking on a phone mounted to the wall. She is wearing a paisley blouse and neck scarf. She is surrounded by yellow illustrated flowers. Image is by bakkehus.com

The bakkehus Blog

Check out my card practice and other little adventures and thoughts here!

1960s woman resting her head in her head, looking resigned, surrounded by red flowers and an angry-looking leopard illustration. Behind her is another woman from the 1930s, taking notes and looking critically at the first woman.

Oracle Cards

Oracle Cards – Conversations with my inner critic Janice

Why am I giving floor space to my inner critic? Because I suspect we all have a Janice lurking in the background waiting to poke fun at our Oracle card journey.
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A female hand holding the Flamingo Oracle Card from Animal Apothecary Deck by Cara Elizabeth. The oracle card has the words 'You are what you think' written on it. The image also contains two pink & black illustrated flowers and the words 'This Card" and bakkehus logo.

Oracle Cards

Dancing the Flamingo – Animal Apothecary Oracle Card

Keeping your negative inner dialogue in check is a constant battle – maybe I need a little Flamingo for my desk
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Out & About Adventures

Out & About in Macau!

You might wonder why this article about travel and sketchbooks has made its way onto a blog about Oracle cards and Intuition, but it totally makes sense—in my head, at least.
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A female hand holding the Yemaya Oracle Cards from The Goddess Oracle deck by Amy Sophia Marashinsky. The image also contains two pink & black illustrated flowers and the words 'This Card" and bakkehus logo.

Oracle Cards

Getting it wrong with this Goddess Oracle – Yemaya

I am not a fan of word clues and did a really good job of ignoring this one. I did not pick up on this one AT ALL. I went down the magical happy shiny route instead of surrendering to Yemaya.
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Frequently Asked Questions

What are Oracle Cards?

Oracle card decks are guidance tools (illustrated cards with meanings) that help you tap into your inner wisdom and the world around you.

How do Oracle cards help develop inner wisdom?

Picking a card daily and exploring what that card means to you can help promote an awareness of what is going on within and around you. 

Do Oracle Cards predict the future?

No, They do not predict the future. 

They are food for thought, a way for you to take some time to yourself to contemplate what is happening within and around you.

What is a Real World Oracle?

Real World Oracle is my name for objects, Animals and other weird things that show up and invite you to take a moment to reflect on your day. 

They are Oracle card substitutes for when you are out and about. 

Do Real World Oracles replace Oracle Cards?

Real Word Oracles don’t usually show up daily, so the workbook is designed to help you build a daily Oracle card practice. 

Daily worksheets will contain Real World Oracle icons available to use after week 3, but the choice to swap out a card for a Real World Oracle is always yours.

I already use Oracle Cards – will I learn something new?


This workbook is designed to help you move beyond simply reading Oracle card meanings.

By completing the workbook exercises, daily journal questions and testing your interpretations against the card deck,  you will strengthen your knowledge and build a personal library of (card) meanings.

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your workbook

Join our community for…

  • reading interpretations
  • product reviews, and recommendations
  • expand your knowledge of meanings and signs
  • art inspired by readings
  • early access to new workbooks and products

    Coming Soon

    Animal knowledge tracker
    Plant knowledge tracker
    Goddess Oracle Workbook

    your life

    with Oracle cards

    Access your intuition and
    create the life you want

    Want 15% off?

    Bumbling through life
    like a drunk Bee?

    • Want guidance on life’s little ups and downs? Want to take charge again?
    • Looking for a new way to connect and explore your inner wisdom?
    • Curious about Oracle cards but don’t know where to start?

    Build knowledge and self-confidence with Oracle cards

    Start here with Animal Oracle cards and Real World Animal Messengers.

    Thanks to your surroundings, pets, childhood books and TV programs, you are already an Animal expert. You know Owls are associated with Wisdom, Bears are protective (of their young), and Eagles fly high to get a better perspective (on life). This is all valuable information that can be used to help you create a balanced and happy life.

    Animals are accessible little helpers – your lifehack.

    • Want guidance on life’s little ups and downs? Want to take charge again?
    • Looking for a new way to connect and explore your inner wisdom?
    • Curious about Oracle cards but don’t know where to start?
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    Grow your card
    practice in 8 weeks

    for all levels, including beginners.

    Real World Animal Oracle is an 8-week digital workbook that helps you build a daily Oracle card practice and confidence in your ability to ‘read’ Animal cards and Animal messengers that enter your life.

    This digital workbook is easy to use and takes you through three phases:

    Phase 1 – Creating a daily Oracle card practice (weeks 1 & 2)
    Phase 2 – Introducing Real World Oracles to your practice (weeks 3 – 6)
    Phase 3 – Using multiple Oracle card decks (weeks 7-8)

    Designed with fun weekly learning exercises, daily journal prompts and worksheets that test your interpretations against that of your Oracle card deck, you will quickly build your own library of Animal Wisdom that is relevant to you and your world.

    They adopted it

    Discover more about Oracle Cards